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If you are involved in digital currencies, you are involved in an ongoing information war, too.

This information war goes far beyond the battle between Bitcoin SV, BTC and BCH to be the “true Bitcoin.” It even goes further than the digital asset sphere. It is about you, the user, the average person and your ability to be part of the upcoming Information Capitalism.

Be aware of the ‘crypto cartel’

Most of the digital currency sphere, consisting of shady exchanges and ridiculous “crypto media,” seems to have a shared agenda. The exchanges list almost any nonsense-coin to be traded and the corresponding media outlets perpetuate “news” support this gambling ecosystem with reporting about “partnerships,” “developments”, and “price predictions.”

This is what we call the “crypto cartel.”

Their interest is in getting as many people as possible involved in the trading of digital assets. To be more specific: the cartel does not want you to actually trade digital assets, they want you to bring in your fiat money and get useless coins and tokens in exchange for that.

Detecting the common enemy of the ‘crypto cartel’

The exchanges would not be able to drag in new users if not for the “crypto media” to push weird narratives about this or that new coin to hit a new all-time high soon. Other way around, too: the “crypto media” would not get clicks and traffic if not for the exchanges offered worldwide, 24/7 and money laundering-like trading of fake digital assets. They work together. They are in symbiosis.

The “crypto cartel” has a common enemy though, and this is where we find truth.

If the “crypto cartel” has a shared agenda and a common enemy, this common enemy has to be by definition a competitor or a party that—without competing—endangers the cartel’s business model.

Now let us think for a moment. Is the common enemy of the cartel Ripple (XRP)? No, the “crypto media” reports daily about Ripple and XRP, while XRP is available on almost all digital currency exchanges. Is the common enemy Ethereum then? Is it IOTA? Maybe Tether?

The common enemy of the “crypto cartel” is Bitcoin SV. You find almost no “crypto media” to even neutrally report about Bitcoin SV’s recent growth. You find only a few exchanges to have Bitcoin SV listed as an asset. They report about any digital asset except Bitcoin SV, they make any digital asset tradable but Bitcoin SV.

Only Bitcoin SV is left out.


Bitcoin SV not only threatens the ‘crypto cartel’s’ business model, it utterly destroys it

Bitcoin SV is the only scalable blockchain, protected by a vast patent fortress from nChain and in existence to serve as the one and only public ledger for the world. This is exactly what would kill the “crypto cartel” in no time.

If there was just one public ledger, there would not be demand for other digital currencies. Bitcoin SV’s growth literally evaporates Ethereum, Ripple’s XRP, IOTA and the endless list of other nonsense coins and nonsense tokens.

Look at EHR Data Inc.’s plan to put billions of transactions on the Bitcoin SV blockchain with health data. Look at UNISOT’s SeafoodChain that makes use of Bitcoin SV to track down the source and supply chain of seafood. Look at Twetch, the Bitcoin SV driven social media platform that recently hit 10,000 users and expands at an incredible pace. Pay attention to famous economist George Gilder’s appearance at the CoinGeek London conference. Pay attention to governmental interest in Bitcoin SV.

The more Bitcoin SV grows, the less need there is for “crypto media” to report. The more Bitcoin SV grows, the less people will need to trade fiat for digital assets or digital assets for other digital assets. With Bitcoin SV, the whole “crypto cartel” halts. Exchanges dry out. “Crypto influencers” are unemployable again. With decaying exchanges, “crypto media” loses its sponsors and its traffic.

Bitcoin SV is a deadly hit to the cartel’s throat.

How the ‘crypto cartel’ hinders you from prospering in upcoming informational capitalistic world

In the upcoming informational capitalistic system, you own your data and you earn by your data. Period. All your transactions will be processed in the Bitcoin SV network for the sake of yourself. As of right now, the “crypto cartel” lets you transact only in their shady, legally questionable exchange servers, while feeding you fake news via their partnered media outlets.

In the “crypto cartel’s” system, only the cartel profits. You don’t. You lose money when BTC, ETH, XRP and other nonsense-coins drop in value, while the cartel makes money whether prices go up or down—by trading fees.

It is no coincidence that for example Binance acquired the website CoinMarketCap. They offer you nonsense-coins on the one hand, and will be responsible for the “price updates” and other reports concerning the nonsense-coins on the other hand. You finally get their plan?

It is the “old world,” the flawed want-to-be capitalistic system we all grew up in. With Bitcoin SV, it will finally be you directly profiting from your actions.

You transact. You receive.

What methods are used in this information war?

From the “crypto cartel’s” side, there are several panic methods used in order to try to keep Bitcoin SV’s growth down:

• Publishing of fake news concerning Bitcoin SV
• Defamation campaigns against Dr. Craig Wright
• Silence about positive Bitcoin SV news
• Delisting of Bitcoin SV on exchanges
• Use of social media bots against Bitcoin SV proponents

Bitcoin SV is fighting back against these methods though.

How? By results. Bitcoin SV shows results in on-chain transactions and utility.

People do not babble about Bitcoin SV and do not gamble with it, they actually use it! Shocking news for the cartel.

Furthermore, there is a severe “brain drain” in all other digital currencies in favor of Bitcoin SV. Bitcoin SV attracts highly educated persons of the digital asset sphere, as well as the most talented developers and entrepreneurs to it. Have a look at the “bright minds” of BTC for example: Samson Mow, Tone Vays, Jimmy Song and Elizabeth Stark. No further comment!

What role do you play in the Bitcoin information war?

How can you be of any help in this information war? Well, you can get the information about Bitcoin SV out there.

However, you are not even necessary. Sounds cruel, but it is true. Bitcoin SV grows without you already and will grow even more as time passes.

The Bitcoin SV network does not need you, you need the Bitcoin SV network!

The “crypto cartel” needs you, but you do not need the “crypto cartel.”

See, this is the crucial difference between Bitcoin SV and all other digital assets. While other digital assets try to lure you in, Bitcoin SV simply expands by enterprise usage and its customers. It is called economic growth.

Prolific Bitcoin thinker Daniel Krawisz stated: “Everything is falling into the Bitcoin SV black hole.” No need to persuade as results speak for themselves.

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