Search Results for: cartel

Monzo banned Gemini
Business 9 August 2021

Gemini feels the pinch as UK banks crack down

Gemini, an exchange run by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, felt the pinch as Monzo, one of the U.K.’s leading challenger banks, banned payments to it at the beginning of August.

Editorial 8 October 2020

Hey Max Keiser, Who’s the bigger con?

In the wake of John McAfee's arrest in Spain, alt-finance commentator Max Keiser asked his Twitter followers "Who's the bigger con? John McAfee or Craig Wright?"

Coinbase app on smartphone screen.
Business 6 May 2022

About Coinbase

Coinbase doesn’t care about anything other than making money. For them, the law is secondary and they intentionally chose to overlook it.

Frog cartoon on a funeral frame and coffin
Editorial 31 January 2022

It’s over for digital art NFTs

Patrick Thompson takes a look at the recent activity in the NFT market on BSV that highlights some of the foolishness in the digital art collectible NFT market.