The team behind the animated series ‘Stoner Cats,’ whose cast includes Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher and Vitalik Buterin, has been...
Apart from the departure of another of its execs, CEO Brian Shroder, Binance.US slashed one-third of its staff, stressing that...
Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart has ruled that Dr. Craig Wright is now in compliance with a court order demanding that...
U.S. lawmakers are proposing a comprehensive AI regulation blueprint for licensing, oversight for generative models, facial recognition, and developer liability;...
A recent hearing at the Senate Banking Committee saw Gary Gensler grilled on the SEC's track record, highlighting contrasting attitudes...
Mirror Trading allegedly scammed 30,000 BTC from over 23,000 American investors, which it misappropriated, and CFTC imposed restitution of over...