
CSDN launches Bitcoin SV Developer Zone in partnership with Bitcoin Association

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ZUG, Switzerland – 22 July, 2020 – Bitcoin Association, the Switzerland-based global industry organization that works to advance business on the Bitcoin SV blockchain, today announces the formation and launch of a Bitcoin SV Developer Zone in partnership with Chinese Software Developer Network (CSDN). The Zone will provide their 31 million users a dedicated open learning platform to learn about working on the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

CSDN is the largest IT and software developer community in China, with a top 30 Alexa Global ranking. To educate developers about different technology platforms and programming languages, it works with more than 1,000 business partners – including world-leading enterprises including Amazon Web Services, Baidu, Google, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, and Tencent. CSDN’s large user base and industry network will help Bitcoin Association quickly distribute Bitcoin SV information across China.

The Bitcoin SV Developer Zone on CSDN will host a range of Chinese language educational resources for developers interested in developing for or working with the blockchain. Catering to all experience levels, the Zone will publish content suitable for novices taking their first steps into learning about blockchain technology, right through to expert developers looking to diversify their skillset and even learn to become a “Bitcoin script engineer” – an anticipated new job category made possible in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem.

An ongoing stream of new video content and written materials will be produced exclusively by Bitcoin Association and CSDN for the Bitcoin SV Developer Zone, with twice-weekly online lectures and presentations set to commence from July 28.

The Bitcoin SV Developer Zone is live on CSDN at: https://bsv.csdn.net

As part of the partnership, Bitcoin Association and CSDN will work together to produce Bitcoin SV DevCon 2020: China in late August 2020. The first Chinese-language Bitcoin SV Developer Conference help developers learn to build applications on Bitcoin SV; it will feature two-days of sessions led by blockchain pioneers and leaders in the digital currency space. The event is offered free through the CSDN platform and registrations are open now at bsvdevcon.net

Through this cooperation, Bitcoin Association and CSDN will further improve accessibility to world-class blockchain education in China. By focusing the curriculum and materials on the Bitcoin SV blockchain, developers will gain experience working with the only blockchain suitable for the development of enterprise-grade applications. Adhering to the original design of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin SV offers a platform with unbounded scaling, greater data capacity, and true micropayment capabilities, unlocking a host of new functionalities and economic opportunities.

Jimmy Nguyen, Founding President of Bitcoin Association, spoke on today’s announcement, saying:

‘Developer education is a key pillar in Bitcoin Association’s strategy to advance global business using the Bitcoin SV blockchain. Bitcoin SV can provide the scaling solutions and data capabilities required for enterprise-grade applications, and businesses increasingly ask us where they can find knowledgeable Bitcoin developers. By working with CSDN, we hope to educate and inspire a new generation of Bitcoin script engineers in China, equipping them with the skillset required to use the power of Bitcoin’s original protocol and unlock the world of technical advantages it presents on the Bitcoin SV blockchain.’

Bitcoin Association’s China Manager, Lise Li, also spoke on the partnership, commenting:

‘Developers in China want to work with CSDN, a very popular platform, and work with a powerful blockchain, Bitcoin SV. By bringing the two together, not only are we satisfying the demand from our local userbase for new self-development and education opportunities, but we are providing a platform for developers across China to learn about this emerging technology and how it can be used to power new ideas and innovations.’

Jiang Tao, Founder & Chairman of CSDN, commented on his organization’s partnership with Bitcoin Association, saying:

‘As a professional IT technology community platform, CSDN has 31 million developer users, with a mission of empowering developers. I look forward to working with Bitcoin Association and seeing more high-quality technical content on the CSDN Bitcoin SV Blockchain Zone that can benefit more developers.’

Media Contact

Alex Speirs

Head of Communications

[email protected]

About Bitcoin Association

Bitcoin Association is the Switzerland-based global industry organization that advances business with Bitcoin SV. It brings together enterprises, start-up ventures, developers, merchants, exchanges, service providers, blockchain transaction processors (miners), and others in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem to advance the growth of Bitcoin commerce. The Association seeks to build a regulation-friendly ecosystem that fosters lawful conduct while encouraging technology innovation.

About CSDN

CSDN is an IT and community service platform focused on providing Chinese software developers and IT workers with life-long services such as knowledge diffusion, career development, software development, and more. It is able to satisfy people’s rigid needs of learning and sharing knowledge and information during their career development, establish a social circle of career development, and achieve commercialization of technology by software development.

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比特币协会与CSDN携手启动Bitcoin SV开发者专区

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瑞士楚格 – 2020722日 – 比特币协会是注册于瑞士的全球领先的行业组织,致力于在全球范围内推动Bitcoin SV区块链的商业发展。今天协会正式宣布在CSDN(中国开发者社区)平台上启动Bitcoin SV开发者专区,这是能够为CSDN平台上3100万用户提供一个专门的、开放式学习比特币技术的专区,让他们了解如何在Bitcoin SV区块链上进行开发和构造应用。

CSDN是中国专业的IT社区,在Alexa全球排行榜上位居前30。为了让开发者学习了解不同的技术平台和编程语言,CSDN已与1000多个商业伙伴建立了合作关系,包括众多世界领先的企业,如AWS、百度、谷歌、华为、IBM、微软、腾迅等。CSDN庞大的用户基础和宽广的行业网络将有助于比特币协会在中国地区更广泛地传播与Bitcoin SV区块链技术相关的资讯。

在CSDN平台上的Bitcoin SV开发者专区将为对区块链有兴趣或正在从事区块链工作的开发者们提供一系列中文教学资料。为了让不同水平的开发者都能在此有所收获,Bitcoin SV专区里的内容非常多样化,不仅适合刚开始接触区块链技术的新手,还适合那些想要增加技能的资深开发者,甚至还有针对那些想要成为“比特币脚本工程师”的专业开发人员的技术内容,这也是在Bitcoin SV生态系统中即将出现的一个新职业。

比特币协会和CSDN还将专门为Bitcoin SV开发者专区制作一系列新的视频教学内容和技术资料,并从7月28日开始,每周进行两次线上研讨会,向开发者们进行讲座和演示。

Bitcoin SV开发者专区已正式在CSDN平台上线,访问请前往:https://bsv.csdn.net

同时,8月底比特币协会还将与CSDN联合主办Bitcoin SV中国开发者大会(2020)。这是首届Bitcoin SV中文开发者大会,在为期两天的会议中,将有多位区块链技术领军人物进行演讲,帮助开发者们学习如何在Bitcoin SV区块链上构建应用。本次大会将在CSDN平台在线举办,观众可以免费报名,请前往大会官网:bsvdevcon.net

比特币协会和CSDN的此次合作,将进一步增加中国开发者获得区块链开发学习的机会,课程和教学资料的内容将集中在Bitcoin SV区块链内容上,开发者将可以收获如何在一个能够承载企业级应用的区块链上进行开发的知识与经验。Bitcoin SV秉承了中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的原始协议设计,是一个能够无限扩容、承载更大数据容量、实现真正的微支付功能的区块链平台,这使它释放出大量新式功能和商业机会。

比特币协会的创始主席Jimmy Nguyen认为:“开发者培训教育是比特币协会在促进Bitcoin SV区块链全球商业发展战略中的一大关键支柱。Bitcoin SV可以提供企业级应用所需的扩容解决方案和强大的数据功能,越来越多的企业询问我们在哪里可以找到精通比特币的开发者。通过与CSDN的合作,我们希望可以在中国启发并教育出新一代的比特币脚本工程师,让他们了解比特币的原始协议,并学习释放Bitcoin SV区块链技术优势所需的技能。”

比特币协会的中国经理Lise Li对此次合作做了积极的评论:“中国的开发者很喜欢CSDN这个平台,同时也有很多开发者想在Bitcoin SV这样潜力无限的区块链上发展事业。这两者结合在一起,不仅能够使本地开发者能够在新的领域获得自我发展,还满足他们对学习区块链技术的需求。我们为中国的开发者提供一个了解学习Bitcoin SV这一领先技术的平台,希望能够他们利用比特币技术实践新想法并推动创新。”

CSDN的创始人、董事长蒋涛就此次他们与比特币协会的合作评论道:“CSDN作为专业IT技术社区,拥有3100万开发者用户,赋能开发者是CSDN的使命,希望Bitcoin SV开发者专区能为CSDN平台的用户输出更多优质的技术内容,让更多的开发者受益。”


比特币协会宣传主管Alex Speirs:[email protected]


比特币协会总部位于瑞士,是旨在推动Bitcoin SV数字货币及区块链发展的全球性行业组织。协会汇聚了公司、初创企业、开发者、商户、服务提供商、区块链交易处理商(矿工)以及Bitcoin SV生态系统中的其它参与者,共同促进比特币商业的发展。协会致力于构建一个监管友好的生态系统,并在鼓励数字货币创新的同时促进合法行为。


中国开发者社区CSDN 创立于1999年,致力于成为IT技术人交流和成长的家园。截至2020年3月,CSDN拥有超过3000万注册会员,Alexa全球网站综合排名第26位,社区技术文章累计超过3200万篇,新媒体公众号粉丝总量1600万,合作上千家科技公司。

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