Scam alert with woman using her laptop


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2018年,一个叫做“CoinGeeks”诈骗组织试图使用与CoinGeek LTD诈骗组织类似的策略行骗。在每一个案例中,骗子创建的社交媒体账户和网站的拼写几乎与正版的CoinGeek网站完全相同;骗子们通过增加几个新字母修改了拼写。它的拼写与实际的CoinGeek网站非常接近,如果你在网页浏览器或搜索引擎中不小心拼错了“CoinGeek”,你可能会不小心进入这些诈骗网站的其中之一。





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Beware of CoinGeek imposters

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There is a scam website—coingeekltd [dot] com—attempting to capitalize on the CoinGeek brand. We would like to take the time to remind our audience that CoinGeek is not affiliated with fraudulent websites. 

This isn’t the first time this has happened

Unfortunately, this is not the first time a scammer has tried to capitalize on the CoinGeek brand. In 2018, a scammer that went by “CoinGeeks” tried to use a similar tactic as the CoinGeek LTD scammer. In each instance, the fraudster creates social media accounts and websites with nearly identical spelling as the authentic CoinGeek website; the scammers tweak the spelling by adding a few new letters. The spelling is so close to the actual CoinGeek website that if you accidentally misspell “CoinGeek” in your web browser or search engine, you might end up on one of these fraudulent websites.

In 2018, the scammer was defrauding individuals through a digital currency mining co-location scam. This time around, the CoinGeekLTD scammer is trying to defraud individuals through an investment scam; promising unsuspecting individuals, “a unique opportunity to earn from 4% to 20% in a short period of time.” The scammer is also trying to convince the audience that they are a U.K. registered business and has even used a photograph from the first CoinGeek Conference in London in 2018 on their website.

However, neither of these entities is affiliated with our brand in any way shape or form.

Protect yourself from scams

If you are ever unsure of whether or not you are dealing with a legitimate CoinGeek website or partner, do not be afraid to reach out to us via our official contact page.

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