OKEx founder Star Xu is in police custody
Business 16 October 2020

OKEx founder taken into police custody

OKEx founder and private key holder Xu Mingxing, aka, 'Star' Xu, has been taken into custody by police, hours earlier OKEx suspended withdrawals.

Sam Reed has been released from custody
Business 9 October 2020

BitMEX CTO Sam Reed released from custody

BitMEX CTO Sam Reed–who was arrested on October 1st–has been released from custody on a $5 million appearance bond secured by $500,000 cash.

RelayX prepares to launch web wallet
Business 8 October 2020

Look out for the RelayX web wallet

RelayX recently announced that they will be launching a web wallet and that their movile and web wallet will support tokens launched via RUN protocol.

Arthur Hayes steps down as BitMEX CEO
Business 8 October 2020

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes resigns

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes as well as other BitMEX executives have stepped down from their position at the exchange and its holding company.