Article by Larry Baker
7 May, 2020
BSV Scaling Test Network achieves record-breaking 13M transaction block
Proving that a very large block would be no problem for the Bitcoin SV, Kristensen says the STN proves Bitcoin...
28 April, 2020
Bitmain claims Micree Zhan is hurting company during COVID-19
Having recently lost a court decision to Micree Zhan, Bitmain is claiming he is hurting the company’s interests at the...
28 April, 2020
Lise Li on the Bitcoin Association progress: ‘We’re on the right road’
Bitcoin Association China Manager Lise Li brings a wealth of experience in business, specifically payments, to the team.
24 April, 2020
BitHull threatens legal action against CoinGeek
Many of the shadier projects in the digital currency space will lay low when they receive criticism, staying quiet and
23 April, 2020
BitHull makes FPGA mining promises that are too good to be true
BitHull has stormed onto the scene promising anyone can get rich quick at home with their digital currency miners. But...
22 April, 2020
Bitcoin Association celebrates tremendous growth in first annual report
In just one year, the Bitcoin Association has brought business to Bitcoin, and helped thousands better understand Satoshi’s vision.
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Proving that a very large block would be no problem for the Bitcoin SV, Kristensen says the STN proves Bitcoin...
May 7, 2020
Having recently lost a court decision to Micree Zhan, Bitmain is claiming he is hurting the company’s interests at the...
April 28, 2020