Interviews 22 November 2019

Earn Bitcoin by answering useful questions on BitQ&A

BitQ&A seems like a perfect use-case for Bitcoin where micropayments are possible, and that's probably why BitQ&A was one of the three finalists in the second Bitcoin Association Virtual Hackathon.

Earn Bitcoin by posting on social media
Business 18 November 2019

Earn Bitcoin by posting on social media

Bitcoin's improvements in micropayments and content ownership are shifting the balance in your favor. We took a look at some newcomers that have already started to deliver.

Editorial 16 November 2019

Why it took me a few extra months to switch to BSV

BCH had "won" the hash war yet it was BSV ramping up and gaining momentum. Why? BSV had marketing power, resources, good ideas, patents and talented developers... and Satoshi Nakamoto himself.

Bitcoin SV Year 1: A whole year of highlights
Business 15 November 2019

Bitcoin SV Year 1: A whole year of highlights

Bitcoin is almost 11 years old now, but November 15, 2018 marked the start of a movement to restore Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision—and with it, the technological revolution we were promised in 2009.