Article by CoinGeek
17 May, 2017
Bitcoin Tops $1800 As Market Continues To Rise
The price of bitcoin has risen beyond $1800 for the first time, as the currency continues to push new boundaries.
17 May, 2017
Bitcoin vs The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Bitcoin has been created as a libertarian form of money. Unfortunately, many of the people currently attracted to it have
16 May, 2017
European Stability Mechanism Could Implement Blockchain System
The European Stability Mechanism could implement a blockchain system in future, leading to easier administration and a more effective response
16 May, 2017
A reminder from a China miner
As The Establishment try and blame Bitcoin for cyber-crime (the Ransomware story has somehow become more about Bitcoin than the
15 May, 2017
The Outcome of a Hard Fork for Bitcoin
While Bitcoin soars behind the scenes the loom of the ‘Hard Fork’ grows ever stronger but that suggests two roads
11 May, 2017
Core Subversion: Close To Conclusive
It is a fairly long-held belief that the folk behind Bitcoin Core are in the pay of the big banks
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