Vol 12.06m
Vol 34334.46m
Vol 242.63m
Vol 308.6m
Vol 613.92m

Mijem, the social marketplace for Gen Z communities that offers a BSV loyalty program, now trades on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the ticker symbol MJEM.

“We decided to go public because we are back in growth mode, we are seeing traction with our new features and functionality, and are looking to provide the public investment community the opportunity to invest in our story,” said Phuong Dinh, the founder of Mijem.

On the Mijem marketplace, college students in Canada and the United States can socially connect, as well as buy and sell goods and services. Users earn reward points based on the dollar amount associated with their in-app spending and purchasing. Once the user has 100 reward points, they can redeem their points for BSV on a 100 point to $1 worth of BSV basis.

“Our Gen Z target market demands cost-effective, eco-friendly, rapid, trustworthy digital currency that they can use and Mijem has delivered on this want, providing Gen Z the opportunity to get and use Bitcoin SV,” Dinh said.

He added, “Bitcoin SV is what the original Bitcoin white paper envisioned, namely, a fast, inexpensive, peer-to-peer electronic cash system—and all these characteristics are important for Mijem’s Gen Z target market. Mijem is connecting communities, building trust, and providing features like links to digital asset wallets and BSV rewards that Gen Z demands.”

What’s next for Mijem?

Dinh and the Mijem team are expecting new user growth in the coming months, to expand beyond the 72 university communities that they have a presence in, and to implement new features that are in line with consumer demands.

“As we’ve been working on our features and functionalities throughout the pandemic, we’ve seen that Gen Z wants to [socially] reconnect. They don’t simply want a marketplace of goods, but crave a community for activities, whether it’s for events or sharing a ride and splitting the gas money, or whether it’s helping someone with their exam prep and being paid a free lunch or a small amount of money. We think marketplaces need to be more purpose-driven and less singularly focused,” said Dinh.

When asked what trends he sees that marketplaces need to adapt to, Dinh noted: “We know that consumers are getting more and more sophisticated, and they want the organizations that they support or put their dollars toward to become more community-minded and not just product-driven.”

“What I mean by that is, social marketplaces shouldn’t just be places for people to get rid of things, there is an opportunity to include new aspects such as letting people borrow each other’s goods, renting, refurbishing, and so forth, so there’s a lot of ways that social marketplaces can evolve.  We are continually keeping in mind changing target market needs in our platform’s evolution.“

Watch: CoinGeek Zurich panel on Consumer Payments, Incentives and Rewards

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