Katie Hiscox, founder of DRIVE Markets, explained how BSV will evolve settlement systems for international financial instituitons. Click here to
DRIVE Markets的创始人凯特·希斯考克斯(Katie Hiscox)阐述了BSV将如何助力器在国际金融机构结算系统中的革新。 点击此处阅读全文
Bitcoin SV will speed up clearing, settlement of cross-border payments. Click here to read the full article.
Founding President of the Bitcoin Association Jimmy Nguyen brings the latest updates on the developments in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem,
上周,比特币SV(BSV)领域的领导者,包括比特币的创始人克雷格·怀特(Craig Wright)博士,前往哥伦比亚的首都波哥大参加比特币国际博览会,并向当地政府和当地社区宣传比特币SV能如何改变他们的生活。 点击此处阅读全文。
A panel of some of the best development minds in Bitcoin SV (BSV) took the stage during last month’s CoinGeek