This week’s CoinGeek Conversations offers a sneak preview of all eight of the startup ideas working towards a big night
本周的《CoinGeek对话》节目简要介绍了八家初创企业的想法,他们正在积极等待夜幕的降临,并借此机会向出席这场盛大晚会的潜在投资者推介自己的业务。 点击此处阅读全文。
Responsible gambling has always been an important topic within the gambling industry, but only recently the industry is hearing about
Dereck Hoogenkamp做客CoinGeek Backstage,他表示我们正处于这个时代最伟大变革的边缘,元宇宙正在改变我们已知的世界。 点击此处阅读全文。
We are on the precipice of the greatest revolution of our time and that the metaverse is transforming the world
HandCash的软件开发人员Brandon Bryant做客这一期的《不仅仅是货币》节目,他在节目中讨论了小额支付、比特币采用、BSV价格和游戏等主题。 点击此处阅读全文。