库币实验室负责人Lou Yu认为,元宇宙将成为下一代创业型互联网用户的聚集地。 点击此处阅读全文
After the success of the inaugural CoinGeek Bitcade in Miami, the second CoinGeek Bitcade kicked off at ESPOT in Warsaw
IPv6 allows Bitcoin to return to its original peer-to-peer nature—by allowing people to have direct connectivity, according to Bitcoin creator
据比特币系统创始人Craig Wright博士表示,IPv6能够使人们建立直接连接,使得比特币回归其最初的点对点特性。 点击此处阅读全文。
Antonino Sardegno talks about venture capitalism in blockchain, what needs to take place for more investors to have confidence in
在本期《不仅仅是货币》节目中,Antonino Sardegno谈论了区块链中的风险投资,他讲述了需要采取何种措施来让更多的投资者对区块链公司有信心,采访中还谈到了其他问题,更多内容请见本期节目。 点击此处阅读全文