
NBA star Steph Curry will not invest in CBD, blockchain, gambling

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Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry is making it clear that there are some investments he is unwilling to get involved with, including blockchain, gambling, and CBD.

The NBA star recently launched his own investment firm, SC30, but has made it clear that these products are not on the radar, at least not yet. Instead, Curry is focused on hosting Series A through C rounds that center on consumer and enterprise customers, is what partner Bryant Barr explained in a recent interview with Yahoo Finance.

While many NBA stars, and professional athletes in general, are finding that CBD is a worthwhile investment, that does not appear to be the case for Curry. Professional athletes such as boxing legend Mike Tyson and former NBA star Lamar Odom, have already seen the positive effects that this drug can have and are believing that it can have worthwhile benefits for both physical and mental wellness.

This does not work for SC30. According to Barr, Curry is interested in investing and supporting products that help to support the brand name. While being open to these products and services, Barr explained that this is really about creating the right kind of image for the NBA star:

With CBD, that to me is more of a brand decision. That’s Stephen, he’s family first. He’s got three kids, and it’s not that we want to manufacture a brand. That’s just who he is. While he’s playing as an athlete, we would avoid betting too. Betting would be another one that we would stay away from — from a brand perspective. Those don’t help in any shape or form…but I do think gambling is super interesting.

Barr also explained that Curry will not be jumping into the blockchain world anytime soon. “I love blockchain in theory, and I think the world will get there at some point. I haven’t seen anything where it’s like, that seems practical right now. And I think especially when you think about blockchain from a consumer perspective, you have to get the buyer or the consumer to understand what it is that they’re buying.”

For now, the NBA star is only backing investment ideas that he believes in and understands. Barr explained that Curry must have a “passion” for something to be able to support it as an investment.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.