CG Backstage with Jeffrey Baek

Jeffrey Baek on CoinGeek Backstage: How to send BSV on the Internet and social media

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A new face at the CoinGeek New York Conference has presented a product that allows users to send and receive money on the internet. Jeffrey Baek, the co-founder of Peer Technologies, offered what is gearing up to become the most efficient and fun way of spreading BSV on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Baek joined CoinGeek Backstage host Patrick Thompson on the sidelines of the event, and the two talked about PeerSend, its integration, its different use cases, and his vision for its future.

PeerSend, now available for download, works as a Chrome extension that let you send and receive money anywhere on the internet. “PeerSend is a browser extension that let you send and receive money over pretty much anywhere on the internet,” Baek explained. “So Facebook, Twitter or your website or Reddit you can find the counterparts [that] don’t even have to have a Bitcoin address, and you could still send $10 or $100 on pretty much any platform.”

Baek said the PeerSend team is continuously adding integration for social media platforms like Facebook and Reddit, and even for code hosting platforms like GitHub for others to use PeerSend. “We’re going to continue adding integration like the Facebook integration and Reddit and GitHub and stuff like that. So, people can spend money on better experience than Paymail.”

How did PeerSend go to the payments route? As Baek explained, he and his team didn’t develop the product specifically just for payments. “We didn’t start developing the product by setting up to the segment of the business right at that area…ideas are pretty fragile, and when you try to execute it, you want to start with the idea [that works] for you. The product that you would use.”

“We wanted to send money over Twitter or Facebook to anyone, [but] there’s no way for me to sort of seek attention or send them money as an appreciation. There’s no way, there’s no system like that,” he added.

Currently, PeerSend users can only sign up to Handcash to collect their money from the extension, will it onboard other BSV wallets or ultimately use BSV? Baek said there is a possibility, “Yeah, so, we’ll be able to add more wallets if the standards are met. We’re just going to expand in that domain as well.”

After the successful presentation at the conference, what’s next for PeerSend? Baek said they are working on the e-commerce aspect of the product and they are adding more features such as a button on web pages where users can ask for donations.

“Continue building, adding more features. I demonstrated the plugin ideas where you can put buttons on web pages so that you can charge people to read your content, or you could ask for donations, so the plugins have to be built. We’re working on the e-commerce aspect—the use case of it, the buying goods and products in Amazon. We’ll continue building on that direction,” he said.

As for his general takeaway when it comes to payments on BSV or using PeerSend in particular. Baek said they are aiming for real business utility from actual demand and that they want to give the benefits only Bitcoin can provide.

“We really want to provide the benefits that Bitcoin can only provide, and you can’t do that in any other system or non-blockchain system…That’s where we’re aiming for—the real business utility from real demand. So I wish people could use it. We’ll see if there has to be a lot of transactions, and we’ll see how it goes,” Baek said.

Watch: CoinGeek New York presentation, The Path to BitCoin Adoption: How to Turn the Entire Web into Bitcoin Apps

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