
Elas Digital: The simplest way to define a token

In the first article that reviews the various token solutions out there since my critical piece taunting the space, we take a look at Elas Digital, founded by Brendan Lee. Brendan is one of the top educators in the space from his work with Tokenized, Bitcoin Association, Faia and now Elas Digital.

From their blog posts, we can see that Brendan’s journey through the space led him to create this unique token solution that claims to be “the most simplified approach (they) believe possible in Bitcoin.”

Elas tokens are defined with an ‘establishment action’ that contains all necessary information defining the token. Subsequent spends can be any type of Bitcoin transaction since details about the token are defined immutably on initial transaction.

The definition details of the token are not bound by any protocol, thus fully customizable. The data could even be its hash, where the details are kept privately off-chain.

Source: Elas Digital

Wallets that implement these tokens only need to recognize the minting transaction to display details about the token to its owner.

Elas proposes the only token solution so far that does not require embedding of some type of data into each transaction, thus the ‘zero script overhead’ claim. That stated, metadata can be optionally included alongside the transaction if desired.

Source: Elas Digital

This solution is indeed simple, yet quite powerful. The implication is that once minted, these tokens out of the box support all Bitcoin script types without any custom development required.

R-puzzles, P2PKH, multi/threshold signature and even proof-of-work (Boost, 21e8) scripts are all possible to use.

Minters have great flexibility as they can “define subsequent sub-ledgers for different purposes,” implying fiat token support as well as any type of non-fungible token (NFT). This flexibility comes with responsibility as the creator (not the platform) assumes culpability for the type of token launched (including ICOs).

The distinction is welcome since it promotes experimentation without stifling innovation for the sake of regulation.

All token solutions have some drawbacks and Elas’ is no exception. What I am labeling the ‘Back to Genesis’ issue that all tokens face is Elas’ primary one.

Source: Medium

This ‘Back to Genesis’ issue is how do wallets prevent arbitrary spoofing of tokens since its definitions, i.e. supply cap, balance and denomination are outside the scope of Bitcoin script. All further spends of a token must validate against the original minting transaction, which has scaling challenges.

Another con is the lack of current wallet support. While Elas tokens are not constrained by the protocol, wallets that implement them must allow users to select inputs when spending tokens. This feature is non-existent today; wallets simply choose a sum of UTXOs such that they have sufficient satoshi amounts to spend and broadcast them.

With this ‘dumb’ implementation in place, Elas tokens could be accidentally spent which is a non-starter. The wallet problem is less of a con with Elas’ solution, as it is a dependency on wallets to step their game up.

I believe the first existing, major wallet to support any type of useful token will become immediately used since the space is starving for a solution. If Elas starts to gain traction it could incentivize wallet innovation and push them to start supporting more complex transaction types.

Overall, Elas seems to be a great solution that does utilize the benefits of the Bitcoin ledger and full capability of script. The need to trace back poses an immediate scaling challenge, but with solutions on the horizon like TXDB, this appears to be solvable.

What are your thoughts? Let us know on Twetch and Twitter. Be on the lookout for the next token solution we will review!

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Elas Digital:定义一个Token的最简易方法

从我的批评文章嘲笑了整个行业以来,这是我回顾各种现有Token解决方案的第一篇文章,我们先来看看由Brendan Lee创办的Elas Digital。Brendan一直在与Tokenized、比特币协会、Faia和现在的Elas Digital合作,是本领域的顶级教育者之一。


Elas token是用一个“建立动作(establishment action)”来进行定义的,该动作包含了定义Token所有的必要信息。后续的花费可以是任何类型的比特币交易,因为关于Token的细节在初始交易中已被定义且不可篡改。


来源:Elas Digital网站

图片说明:Elas账本Elas Ledger)展示了一种查看在比特币上发生的活动的新方法。在一个Elas账本内的所有动作,都能够可证地链接回到一个账本建立动作。(来源:Elas Digital网站)

实现这些Token的钱包只需要识别铸造交易(minting transaction),就可以向其所有者显示Token的详细信息。


来源:Elas Digital

图片说明:ElasSatoshi Token代表了我们认为可能是比特币中最简易的方法。我们的Token具有如下特点:

  • 零脚本开销
  • FALSE RETURN输出(尽管在中本聪Token中可以使用)
  • 无推送数据要求(尽管在中本聪Token输出中可以呈现甚至需要数据推送信息)
  • 无发行人代理(尽管可以在需要处使用)
  • 比特币脚本的全部性能,包括sCrypt OP_TX式的条件支付
  • 在支付通道中可用
  • 可与其他Token类型或协议一同在交易中使用
  • Metanet框架中可用





所有的Token解决方案都有缺点,Elas也不例外。我所指出的所有Token面临的“溯回创世(Back to Genesis)”的问题,也是Elas的首要问题。


图片说明:避免额外的验证工作——许多Token机制与Bitcoin SV交易过程相独立,因此在通常要求Token用户侧的额外验证。例如,完全验证要求追溯回Token的创世区块。


另一个不足是缺少现有钱包的支持。虽然Elas token不受协议的约束,但是实现它们的钱包必须允许用户在花费Token时选择输入。这一特性今天已经不存在;钱包仅仅是选择一组UTXO,这样就有足够的余额来进行花费和广播。

因为这个“愚蠢”的实施方案的存在,Elas token可能被意外地花费,因此这个方案不值得考虑。钱包问题与Elas解决方案并非对立,只是需要依赖钱包进行升级。




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