
EHR Data: Blockchain records can save lives as opioid crisis worsens in 2020

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Heath records firm EHR Data is working on a “real-time single source of truth” for opioid prescriptions in the United States. The company, which uses the Bitcoin network to process its data, says the improvement will assist those fighting the current opioid crisis, and help save people’s lives.

Eventually the solution will enable auditable records for all prescriptions. However the opioid crisis is one of America’s most pressing health issues, causing over 70,000 deaths in 2019. The situation is worsening thanks to public health and economic problems caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.

In a company update for September 2020, EHR Data said it is also in the testing phase of building a mobile application, in partnership with nChain. nChain is developing the app, and EHR Data is creating the APIs that will give patients access to, and control of, their private health records.

EHR Data has stressed the need for patients to “own their own data.” Currently available health apps, it says, may give you easy access to your records but it’s stored and owned by the company providing the app (or device that records it). This data can then be sold to third-party data brokers who analyze it or package it for other uses. Often, this information is combined with other publicly available data sources from marriage licenses to vehicle registration and even retail purchases and social media. This builds a personal data dossier that you never see or have access to, or have any control over how it’s used.

“We want to thank you for your continued support,” EHR Data said.

“Together, we can change the healthcare landscape, curb opioid abuse, and empower you and those you love to take control of your health data.”

Auditable health records on the Bitcoin blockchain

One problem that has permitted the opioid problem to grow in the U.S. is not keeping proper track of how many prescriptions are being issued. Knowing this, and noticing regions that stand out for a large or excessive number of prescriptions, could allow others to take action.

EHR Data said the U.S. public health crisis resulting from opioid overdoses had worsened in 2019 and 2020, following a decrease in deaths in 2018. In 2019 they hit a record high at 70,980 deaths, and the worsening situation in 2020 is most likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and national responses to it.

The “opioid epidemic” or “opioid crisis” are the blanket terms for an alarming number of deaths from natural and synthetic opioid drugs available in the U.S.—via prescription and black/grey drug markets. The figures include deaths from illegal drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine, but the majority of instances result from synthetic pharmaceutical opioids like fentanyl.

Overdoses are more common in bad economic times, which the COVID-19 response has certainly created. Add to that the anxiety and uncertainty about employment, education, and the shape of society in general, and it gets worse. With hospitals clearing space for COVID-19 patients, house lockdowns, and either discouragement or unwillingness to go out, many aren’t seeking medical treatment for other conditions—including opioid addiction and other illnesses or injuries resulting from it. Funding has also been diverted from addiction-related assistance programs that could have helped patients.

EHR Data announced in February it would be using the Bitcoin SV (BSV) blockchain as a platform to process its data and on which to build future services. Vital health information processed and stored this way is verifiable years into the future, and access can be tiered to keep some records private, and others public. In the case of opioid pharmaceutical prescriptions, it would be useful to know exactly how many prescriptions are being written and where, while keeping information about who the drugs were prescribed to, secret.

Only the Bitcoin network has the ability and scalability to handle this kind of data, and at a reasonable price. While other blockchains have been proposed and built over the years to record health and other personal records, Bitcoin does it on a protocol that works and is guaranteed to remain unchanged into the future.

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EHR Data:区块链记录可以在2020年不断恶化的阿片类药物危机中挽救生命

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健康数据记录公司EHR Data正在研究美国阿片类处方的“实时单一真相来源”的解决方案。该公司使用比特币网络来处理数据,表示这一改进将为那些正在应对当前阿片类药物危机的人提供帮助,从而挽救人类生命。


根据EHR Data在2020年9月发布的最新消息,他们表示正在与nChain合作进行开发移动端应用的测试。nChain负责应用开发,EHR Data负责API开发,以便让患者能够访问和控制自己的私人健康记录。

EHR Data强调,患者必须“拥有自己的数据”,而目前市场上的应用,虽然可以让你很轻松地访问你的记录,但提供应用的公司(或存储数据的设备)却存储并拥有着这些数据。然后,这些数据可以被兜售给第三方“数据贩子”,他们会对其进行分析或者将其打包用于其它用途。通常来说,这些信息会与其它公开的数据源相结合,从结婚证到车辆登记信息,甚至零售购买记录和社交媒体信息也无法幸免。这些信息会构建出一套个人数据档案,而用户本人却从未见过或访问这些档案,也无法控制其用途。

EHR Data表示:“我们要感谢你们的一直以来的支持。通过我们共同的努力,就可以改变医疗健康领域的现状,遏制阿片类药物的滥用,让你和你所关爱的人能够掌控自己的健康数据。”



EHR Data表示,继2018年死亡人数下降之后,由于阿片类药物过量所导致的美国公共卫生危机在2019年和2020年进一步恶化。2019年,死亡人数达到了70,980人,创历史新高。而2020年情况的恶化很可能是由于新冠病毒的流行以及国家所采取的应对措施所导致。



今年2月份,EHR Data宣布,它将使用Bitcoin SV(BSV)区块链作为数据处理的平台,并在此基础上构建未来的服务。以这种方式进行处理和存储的重要健康信息在几年之后仍然是可验证的,而且还可以设置分级访问,从而使某些数据保密,某些数据公开。就阿片类药物的处方而言,最好是能知道处方开具的地点和数量,但处方开具的对象仍维持私密。


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