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John Pitts is ensconcing himself in the BitCoin community via projects like Hilarist (iOS Test Flight) and SLictionary, writing articles as he researches the many facets of BitCoin, and deploying any and all skills—picked up during his career as a technology research analyst for a Manhattan hedge fund and his short stint as a nuclear engineer on USS Houston SSN-713—in his pursuit of BitCoin happiness.

Article by John Pitts

What’s your 20, BitCoin?
25 August, 2022

What’s your 20, BitCoin?

Bitcoin adoption will look like an “S-curve,” which is half exponential and half logarithmic, but panned up close, it looks...
Commodities vs. Assets—BitCoin as computational commodity
7 July, 2021

Commodities vs. Assets—BitCoin as computational commodity

No other digital coin other than BSV creates a standard format for transactions that can change how we do worldwide...
Commodity barter is legal—so is BitCoin
2 December, 2020

Commodity barter is legal—so is BitCoin

BitCoin was legal at creation; commoditizing data with protocol rules violates no laws—anymore than inventing the container, John Pitts writes.
Meet the new money; same as the old money, we won’t get fooled again
25 November, 2020

Meet the new money; same as the old money, we won’t get fooled again

BitCoin gets its value similar to how gold and silver got their value, but with one very important difference, John...
BitCoin: Zen Yotta Mond Data
21 July, 2020

BitCoin: Zen Yotta Mond Data

In his latest post, John Pitts discusses how the Bitcoin network provides a commodity marketplace for computation.
Proof of Work: The Heart of BitCoin and Money
29 January, 2020

Proof of Work: The Heart of BitCoin and Money

John Pitts explains why a commoditized computation like Bitcoin doesn’t go away.

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What’s your 20, BitCoin?
Bitcoin adoption will look like an “S-curve,” which is half exponential and half logarithmic, but panned up close, it looks...
August 25, 2022
Commodities vs. Assets—BitCoin as computational commodity
No other digital coin other than BSV creates a standard format for transactions that can change how we do worldwide...
July 7, 2021