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A lifelong programmer, and a long time advocate for scaling Bitcoin. Being a post-graduate academic, and backed by years of industry research in internet security, and cryptographic applications, Eli became fascinated in Bitcoin when he stumbled upon Satoshi’s whitepaper in 2012 and began to study the technology in great depth. Towards the end of 2015 Eli started to become actively involved in the Bitcoin community itself, partaking and driving discussions, particularly concerning the scaling debate. A strong advocate of proven on-chain scaling, yet not opposed to second layer solutions either, Eli remains and advocate for Bitcoin as frictionless electronic cash.

Article by Eli Afram

The split, and the future… Now we build
9 January, 2019

The split, and the future… Now we build

The split, and the future… Now we build
To support censorship resistant money, you must first have an anti-censorship stance
19 June, 2018

To support censorship resistant money, you must first have an anti-censorship stance

To support censorship resistant money, you must first have an anti-censorship stance
Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
28 May, 2018

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
The “Selfish Mining” saga continues
3 April, 2018

The “Selfish Mining” saga continues

The "Selfish Mining" saga continues
Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 is finally released with full Segwit support
5 March, 2018

Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 is finally released with full Segwit support

Bitcoin Core 0.16.0 is finally released with full Segwit support.
Core Dev Peter Todd admits Lightning Network has issues
27 February, 2018

Core Dev Peter Todd admits Lightning Network has issues

Core Dev Peter Todd admits Lightning Network has issues

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