Anti-euro protest art appears in France, campaigns for crypto

Anti-euro protest art appears in France, campaigns for crypto

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Protestors in France have been leading a charge that is designed to boost support for cryptocurrency and weaken the euro’s stance as the only accepted currency. This past January, protestors known as “Yellow Vests” took to the streets, campaigning for citizens to withdraw their funds from banks in order to push the euro to the brink of collapse. While that didn’t happen, there is still a fair amount of hostility toward government-backed currencies in France and anti-euro art is now gaining favor, becoming a standard component of the protests. 

One Twitter user and apparent crypto fan, “Le Crypto Yannick,” posted a shot of a large mural that shows Eugene Delacroix, a French painter and impressionist artist, holding a burning 100 note. The mural includes a QR code, which reportedly points to a Bitcoin (BTC) page. 

Boyart is no stranger to protests, art of crypto. This is his third artwork that has made it to the streets of France. His incorporation of Delacroix is no coincidence—Delacroix is often seen as the father of the modern Impressionist movement and is famous for not adhering to system constraints. 

Boyart’s artwork, which can be seen worldwide on his Instagram page, is a testament to the artist’s creativity and views on crypto and politics. He is determined to spread awareness of digital currencies and, with the artistic talent he enjoys, isn’t going to have any difficulty getting his message out there.

On his website, Boyart explains his artistic roots in this manner (translated from French). “Passionate about drawing since his childhood, Pascal Boyart grew up close to the wasteland of La Chapelle, cradle of European graffiti. It is therefore natural as a graffiti artist that he begins his career by making a name for himself in the urban art world. [A] world in which his figurative style and his technical virtuosity quickly earn him the respect of his peers.”

The artist’s works have already been features in a number of mainstream publications, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, Reuters and Le Monde, among others. With this type of global presence, crypto is reaching international acclaim without overzealous campaigns. 

Boyart is happy to help and isn’t looking for a great deal of fame. He is an anti-centralist who makes a living selling his artwork on OpenBazaar and receiving donations in digital currencies. With his talents, reach and clear message, crypto is receiving the type of front-line attention that will lead to greater adoption in no time. 

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