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由于显而易见的原因,根据政府建议,亲自出席活动的人数将受到限制。因此CoinGeek NYC将从纽约和伦敦的演播室进行直播,使得来自世界各地的现场和线上与会者都能够参与这一全球性活动。



观众和与会者还可以期待一些更常规但同样受欢迎的专题节目,包括:与nChain首席科学家和比特币创造者Craig S. Wright博士(中本聪)关于比特币历史的另一次亲密对话。经典的CoinGeek After Party将在纽约某个超棒的屋顶会场举行。

值得关注的演讲嘉宾包括东道主比特币协会主席Jimmy Nguyen、nChain首席技术官Steve Shadders,还有更多的演讲嘉宾即将公布。

三天之中,每天都会有一个主流的主题演讲者,他们可以自由地谈论相关但不仅限于BSV的话题–一个公认为富有争议的人曾出现在伦敦会场,即维基百科的创始人Jimmy Wales。CoinGeek并不惧怕就比特币经济的各方面进行激烈的辩论!

更多信息和票务信息请见www.coingeekconference.com。若有来自西半球的媒体需求,请通过 [email protected] 或 +1-213-840-0077 或Telegram Susan VonSeggern 与 Susan von Seggern 进行联系。来自东半球的媒体请通过 [email protected] 或 +44-7825-064776 联系 Ed Pownall。

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6th CoinGeek Conference comes to New York – with special guest star; London

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

The ever-growing series of blockchain conferences hosted by CoinGeek is coming to New York (October) for a unique hybrid live & livestream experience. The last CoinGeek Conference in London (Feb 2020) saw over 1,000 attendees and a live stream seen by over 30,000 viewers.

For obvious reasons the in-person attendee numbers will be limited according to governmental advice, so CoinGeek NYC will broadcast live from New York and London studios enabling both live and virtual attendees from around the world participate in this global event.

Professionals from leading blockchain start-ups, global enterprises, crypto mining groups, investors, and others in the financial community are coming to learn about exciting developments for Bitcoin SV (BSV), as well as the benefits of massive blockchain scaling for miners, application developers, and enterprises. 

The three-day event in October will feature technical topics about how BSV’s massively-scaled blockchain unlocks technical capabilities and enables business applications not possible on other platforms. Attendees will also witness presentations from the three finalists of Bitcoin Association’s 3rd Hackathon where the winners enjoy $100,000 of investment.

Viewers and attendees can also expect some of the more regular but no less popular features including; another intimate conversation with nChain Chief Scientist and creator of Bitcoin Dr. Craig S. Wright (Satoshi Nakamoto) about Bitcoin’s history; and yes, there will be a classic CoinGeek Afterparty at one of New York’s awesome rooftop venues.

Notable speakers include host Bitcoin Association President Jimmy Nguyen, nChain Chief Technology Officer Steve Shadders, and many more to be announced.

Each of the three days will also have a mainstream keynote speaker who will have a free rein to talk about related but not necessarily BSV focused – London saw Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales who proved to be a controversial debate trigger. CoinGeek are not afraid to have robust debates about all aspects of the Bitcoin economy!

For more information and tickets please see www.coingeekconference.com. For press needs in the Western Hemisphere, please contact Susan von Seggern on [email protected], or +1-213-840-0077, or on Telegram Susan VonSeggern. For the Eastern Hemisphere please contact Ed Pownall on [email protected] or +44-7825-064776.

New to blockchain? Check out CoinGeek’s Blockchain for Beginners section, the ultimate resource guide to learn more about blockchain technology.