在这一集的《CoinGeek Background》中,Becky Liggero在CoinGeek苏黎世大会的幕后采访了nChain的首席技术官兼比特币SV技术标准委员会主席Steve Shadders。 点击此处阅读全文
CoinGeek Backstage is back, and Becky Liggero Fontana kicks off the series with an interview with CoinGeek founder Calvin Ayre
《CoinGeek Backstage》再度播出,Becky Liggero Fontana在CoinGeek苏黎世大会的后台采访了CoinGeek的创始人Calvin Ayre,以此拉开了该系列节目的帷幕。 点击此处阅读全文
RegTech firm kompany aims to keep its clients fully informed and up to date with everything they need, as Russell
正如Russell Perry和Peter Bainbridge-Clayton在本周的The Bitcoin Bridge中所解释的那样,RegTech公司kompany的目标是让客户充分了解最新情况,并了解他们所需的一切。 点击此处阅读全文。
In this episode of Hashing It Out, Transmira founder Robert Rice talks on how Omniscape, a platform that uses “XR”