Basler Kantonalbank的金融工程师Holger Vogel博士加入了CoinGeek Backstage节目,谈论了数字货币在银行业的崛起,以及监管如何决定其发展的步伐。 点击此处阅读全文
On this episode of The Bitcoin Bridge, Domineum founder Mohammed Ibrahim Jega talks about the issues and opportunities in Africa
在本集的The Bitcoin Bridge节目中,Domineum的创始人Mohammed Ibrahim Jega详细介绍了非洲存在的问题和机会,以及Domineum计划如何解决它们。 点击此处阅读全文。
This episode of “Hashing it Out” includes guests from iGaming, an operator, a consultant and a supplier, who share their
On this episode of CoinGeek Backstage, Robert Rice explains that Omniscape was literally building the Metaverse on the BSV blockchain,
在本集CoinGeek Backstage节目中,Robert Rice解释说,Omniscape实际上是在BSV区块链上构建XR元宇宙,将所有数字技术结合在一起,创建一个统一的虚拟世界。 点击此处阅读全文