在本周的《CoinGeek对话》的两个部分采访的第二部分中,Ian Grigg解释了在他想要帮忙保护比特币的匿名发明者的过程中,是什么情况导致他发现Craig Wright博士就是中本聪的。 点击此处阅读全文
On this episode of CoinGeek Backstage, Simit Naik talks about Switzerland’s emerging reputation as a center for blockchain, and the
在这一集的CoinGeek Backstage中,Simit Naik谈到了瑞士作为区块链中心的快速增加的声誉,以及nChain正在开发的激动人心的项目。 点击此处阅读全文。
On this episode of CoinGeek Backstage, Luke Rohenaz explains TonicPow lowers the barrier to entry to affiliate marketing and influencer
在本集的CoinGeek Backstage节目中,Luke Rohenaz解释说,TonicPow通过区块链降低了联盟营销和影响者营销的门槛。 点击此处阅读全文
Co-founders Craig Massey and Richard Boase are on this week’s episode of The Bitcoin Bridge to chat about Satoshi Block