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《不仅仅是货币》与FYX Gaming的Adam Kling一同探索区块链游戏以及BSV领域
25 April, 2022

《不仅仅是货币》与FYX Gaming的Adam Kling一同探索区块链游戏以及BSV领域

在最新一期的《不仅仅是货币》节目中,Adam Kling谈论了BSV区块链、边玩边赚游戏、扩容以及边玩边赚游戏与电子竞技之间的差别。 点击此处阅读全文

Richard Boase talks about creating Ninja Punk Girls, releasing a 3D battle game and more at CoinGeek Weekly Livestream
25 April, 2022

Richard Boase talks about creating Ninja Punk Girls, releasing a 3D battle game and more at CoinGeek Weekly Livestream

Ninja Punk Girls and The Evil Erobotz was created after years of product development; the concept is an NFT-based card

Richard Boase在《CoinGeek每周直播》节目中谈到了创造Ninja Punk Girls、发布3D对战游戏等内容
25 April, 2022

Richard Boase在《CoinGeek每周直播》节目中谈到了创造Ninja Punk Girls、发布3D对战游戏等内容

历经过多年的产品研发,Ninja Punk Girls与The Evil Erobotz终于诞生;其概念是一种基于NFT的卡牌游戏与格斗游戏,玩家可以在游戏中互相竞争以赢得NFT。 点击此处阅读全文。

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 85: $600M Ronin heist linked to North Korea, BSV Blockchain launches online study platform in China, and new companies delve into NFTs
22 April, 2022

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 85: $600M Ronin heist linked to North Korea, BSV Blockchain launches online study platform in China, and new companies delve into NFTs

BSV Blockchain launched an online platform in China called the “CSDN Blockchain Engineer Qualification program,” which aims to help bitcoin

Zayed Al Hemairy博士做客CoinGeek Backstage:阿联酋将成为区块链采用的领导者
21 April, 2022

Zayed Al Hemairy博士做客CoinGeek Backstage:阿联酋将成为区块链采用的领导者

Zayed Al Hemairy博士是阿拉伯联合酋长国的区块链与加密货币的顾问,他在接受CoinGeek Backstage采访时表示,阿联酋正在利用这项技术取得重大飞跃。 点击此处阅读全文。

CoinGeek Backstage with Dr. Zayed Al Hemairy: UAE will be the leader in blockchain adoption
21 April, 2022

CoinGeek Backstage with Dr. Zayed Al Hemairy: UAE will be the leader in blockchain adoption

Dr. Zayed Al Hemairy is the blockchain and cryptocurrency advisor for the United Arab Emirates, and as he explained to
