Latest CoinGeek Coinversation News

Sandra Ro: Blockchain is about human connectivity
CoinGeek Coinversation 11 September 2018

Sandra Ro: Blockchain is about human connectivity

CoinGeek’s Becky Liggero spoke to Sandra Ro, CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council, who mused on the impact of blockchain across different industries.

Better user interfaces needed for Bitcoin commerce to emerge, nChain chief says
CoinGeek Coinversation 16 July 2018

Better user interfaces needed for Bitcoin commerce to emerge, nChain chief says

In this coinversation with CoinGeek's Stephanie Tower, nChain CEO Jimmy Nguyen talks about why he's looking beyond the excitement of Bitcoin Cash's successes and focusing on the realism that it's time to get to the real work of making it the most usable electronic cash system in the world.