
前OKEx欧洲销售经理Phil Glover加入Bayesian Group, 担任全球销售主管

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拥有超过20年衍生产品市场经验的Phil Glover已加入Bayesian Group,企图建立其全球销售部门。Phil的职业生涯始于各种顶级银行的商品部门,拥有丰富的交易经验。后来他转行到电子交易,打理自己的资金。他曾共同创立并经营着一家专属交易公司,业务范围涵盖期货、期权和互换等多种资产,之后他加入了纳斯达克(NASDAQ),管理欧洲销售。由于他热衷于向不断发展的数字资产领域进军,于2019年初加入了OKEx,负责监督欧美机构业务的发展。

作为全球数字资产金融科技公司Bayesian Group的全球销售主管,他的工作重点将是发展集团独特的价值主张。Bayesian Group由战略上一致的企业所组成,其唯一的目标是通过重新思考流动性和可替代性的基本原理,推动世界进入一个无摩擦、数字至上的金融未来。

客户副总裁Eric Bernhard说:“Bayesian团队能拥有像Phil这样有才干的人才,对我们自身以及不断扩大的客户群体来说显然是个好消息。我们相信,我们在数字资产交易领域提供了一种独树一帜的产品,而Phil则可以让我们的声誉更上一层楼。”

Phil Glover自己补充道:“Bayesian Group对数据的使用、精妙的算法和有竞争力的定价策略使它们在数字资产交易方面独占鳌头。我很高兴能够加入这个团队,并期待能够推动集团的发展。”

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Ex-OKEx Manager of European Sales, Phil Glover, joins The Bayesian Group as Global Head of Sales

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With over 20 years’ experience in derivative markets, Phil Glover, has joined The Bayesian Group to build their global sales department. Phil has vast experience in the trading space, starting his career in commodities for various top tier banks. He later migrated to electronic trading, managing his own funds. After co-founding and running a proprietary trading company in multiple asset classes across futures, options and swaps, he joined NASDAQ to manage European Sales. Keen to enter the ever-growing digital asset space, he joined OKEx in early 2019 to oversee the institutional business development efforts for both Europe and the US. 

As Global Head of Sales at The Bayesian Group, a global digital asset fintech initiative, his focus will be to grow the Group’s unique value proposition.  The Bayesian Group is composed of strategically aligned businesses with the singular goal of moving the world into a frictionless, digital-first financial future by rethinking the fundamentals of liquidity and fungibility.

Eric Bernhard, VP Customer: “To have somebody of Phil’s calibre on the Bayesian team is obviously great news for us and our expanding client base. We believe we offer something completely unique in the digital asset trading space and Phil can help us further enhance that reputation.”

Phil Glover himself added: “The Bayesian Group’s use of data, sophisticated algorithms, and competitive pricing puts them right at the top of the class when it comes to digital asset trading. I am excited to join the team and look forward to driving the Group’s growth.“

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