
Canceled digital currency conference faces ‘massive’ lawsuit

The organizer of a digital currency conference, dubbed ‘Massive Adoption,’ is facing a massive class-action lawsuit after failed to repay the attendees as promised when he cancelled the event.

Jacob Kostecki was scheduled to host the event on February 27-28, 2020, in Memphis, Tennessee. In the months leading to the event, he sold packages that included tickets to the event, accommodation and plane tickets to around 2,000 people. What was eye-catching was the surprisingly low prices he offered, with packages going for as low as $400. He ended up collecting $75,000 in the process.

In late January, Kostecki announced that he had cancelled the conference due to cash issues, but promised to pay back all the attendees. Three months later, the attendees have yet to receive a penny.

The lawsuit was filed by David Silver, a partner at Silver Miller, a law firm with expertise in the digital currency field. Silver says that he took the action because he felt Kostecki was taking advantage of people who couldn’t afford legal representation.

Silver took to Twitter to explain why his firm had taken up the case, calling Kostecki out for making empty promises on Twitter.

And while law firms usually take a cut once a class-action lawsuit is settled, Silver revealed that his firm will take on the case pro-bono. The goal is to maximize the victims’ recovery, he stated.

Silver had tried to settle the case out of court, he revealed, stating, “We approached Mr. Kostecki several weeks ago with a simple offer to resolve the debts he has already acknowledged he owes to the would-be Massive Adoption attendees. Mr. Kostecki declined our simple offer and instead thinks that blaming the worldwide health crisis and making more empty, time-delaying promises on Twitter is his way out of this.”

The saga has led to heightened scrutiny of Kostecki’s past, and the revelations have been damning. Having moved to the U.S. in 2014 from his homeland in Poland, he has used the opportunity to allegedly scam Polish startups, promising them connections to American investors. According to multiple reports in Poland, he would allegedly take money from the startups and promise to help them get their products to the United States, only to disappear with the funds.

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被称为“Massive Adoption”的数字货币会议的组织者面临着一场大规模的集体诉讼,因为他没有按照取消活动时的承诺偿还与会者。

雅各布·科斯特基(Jacob Kostecki)计划于2020年2月27日至28日在田纳西州孟菲斯举办该活动。在活动开始前的几个月里,他向大约2000人出售了包括活动门票、住宿和机票在内的套餐。引人注目的是他所提供的价格低的惊人,套餐售价低至400美元。经过这一过程,他最终赚了75000美元。


该诉讼是由Silver Miller合伙人戴维·西尔弗(David Silver)提起的,Silver Miller是一家在数字货币领域具有专业知识的律师事务所。西尔弗说,他提起诉讼是因为他觉得科斯特基在占那些无法支付律师费用的人的便宜。


但问题就出在这里,这也是为何Silver Miller会介入此案的原因:科斯特基先生没有表现出解决问题的诚意,而是不断地找借口。他最近的借口也应该受到谴责,他只会发表文章说他只能在新冠疫情之后解决这个问题。

—大卫·西尔弗(西尔弗·米勒)(@ dcsilver)2020年4月20日


西尔弗曾试图庭外和解,他透露说,“几周前,我们找到科斯特基,向他提出一个简单的提议,以解决他已经承认的对Massive Adoption与会者的债务。但科斯特基拒绝了我们这一简单的提议,相反的,他把责任归咎于全球健康危机,并在Twitter上做出更多空洞的、拖延时间的承诺,这只是他摆脱困境的办法而已。”


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