Bitcoin now a playable word in Scrabble
Business 28 September 2018

Bitcoin now a playable word in Scrabble

In yet another proof that Bitcoin has been steadily making its way towards mainstream audience, the cryptocurrency is now a playable word in Scrabble.

DLT, AI task force chief calls for tokenized Kenyan economy
Tech 27 September 2018

DLT, AI task force chief calls for tokenized Kenyan economy

Kenya may likely be moving towards tokenizing its economy to solve the alarming rate of corruption and unemployment in the country, following suggestions made by Bitange Ndemo, chairman of Kenya's Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence task force.

Japan's FSA reveals crypto regulation update
Business 20 September 2018

Japan’s FSA reveals crypto regulation update

The Financial Services Agency (FSA), Japan's top financial regulator, revealed that, while 160 companies are waiting in line to enter the crypto space, three cryptocurrency operators are currently being reviewed.