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The inaugural Triple Entry Accounting (TEA) conference is set to take place on November 10 and 11, 2023.
The conference will be held in Salini Resort, St. Paul’s Bay, Malta, and to be presented by the Peer for Peer Foundation founded by Ian Grigg, Arthur Doohan, Konstantinos Sgantzos, and André Bonello.
Registration isn’t yet open, but it will soon be available on this page.
What’s the Triple Entry Accounting conference all about?
TEA advances 700 years of tradition by replacing opinions with facts.
TEA challenges double-entry bookkeeping. While double-entry bookkeeping allowed a professional class of accountants to manage financial status inside firms, TEA creates transactions as entries of fact attested to by three participants to trade. TEA combines computer science, accounting, governance, and cryptography.
The ‘intra-company’ focus of current accounting practice, through the foundational technology of our entire economy, means that there is considerable scope for malfeasance, fraud, and other inefficiencies. Moving to an externally legible and verifiable practice would go a long way towards eliminating much of these losses and costs.
The conference hopes to facilitate the adoption of TEA by providing “a focus for sharing recent developments, clarifying issues, and adding focus to future directions of research for industry, academic, and regulators.”
A highlight of the conference will be Ian Grigg’s presentation on an expanded version of his seminal Triple Entry Accounting paper (2005). In an interview with CoinGeek, Grigg describes the conference as “multidisciplinary in its nature” as it “directly draws from and integrates” accounting elements along with cryptography and computer science.
“This conference is about improving the understanding of TEA,” Grigg said. “Blockchain will feature, but it is not directly about blockchain.”
A call for papers
The conference Chair and Coordinators are now calling for the submission of papers on the following topics:
- TEA and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Blockchain and implementation
- Accounting and audit
- Regulatory, tax, and corruption implications of TEA
- Impacts on the professionals in the field; accountants and systems providers
- The crisis in Accounting; Enron, Wirecard, GFC, China, FTX
- Impact on society; corruption and privacy
- Commercial applications and use cases
- ESG, Charitable sectors, and public sector accounting
- Academic advances
- Tokenization and the Ricardian contract
- History and evolution of Accounting leading to TEA
- Legal implications of facts and inter-corporate data
All submissions must be in MS Word formats with Times Roman 12 pt. font paragraphs. Initial proposals should be limited to two pages with half-page bibliographies (max). Final papers should not exceed 15 pages. The deadline for proposals is on May 20, while the papers must be submitted by July 20.
For a list of important dates related to submission, including proposals/abstracts deadlines and where to submit proposals, visit the TEA Conference website.
Who is Ian Grigg?
The TEA Conference Chair is Ian Grigg, renowned cryptographer and inventor of the Ricardian contract.
Grigg previously spoke to CoinGeek about how he learned the full story of Satoshi Nakamoto. He has also appeared at several CoinGeek conferences in the past and has spoken about Triple Entry Accounting on Bitcoin.
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