Uptime团队领头人Brent Bevear介绍了对于UptimeSV而言使用比特币SV(BSV)的优势,以及如何赚取BSV。
Ryan X. Charles prepared a presentation on some of the finer points of what is being developed on the Bitcoin
瑞安·X·查尔斯(Ryan X. Charles)准备了一场演讲,内容涵盖了比特币SV(BSV)区块链上开发进展的几个详细要点,以及未来计划开发的项目,同时其演讲主题紧扣整个会议中反复强调的中心思想,并与有关BSV生命的论题契合。 点击此处阅读全文。
Lorien Gamaroff explained that Centbee wants to be the coolest Bitcoin app, but also help bitcoin adoption behind the curtain.
罗利安·加马洛夫(Lorien Gamaroff)表示Centbee希望成为最酷的比特币应用程序,同时也将默默帮助提高比特币的采用度。 点击此处阅读全文。
There is a growing desire for information related to cryptocurrencies since CoinMarketCap started offering this information in 2013, the executive