CoinGeek Seoul Conference Day 2 looked at Bitcoin SV’s actual use cases for the real world—from real estate, tech, gaming
CoinGeek首尔会议第二天关注比特币SV在现实世界中的实际用例,从房地产、技术、游戏和娱乐,到环境创新等领域。 点击此处阅读全文
Over 180 members of the Bitcoin society gathered in Seoul to celebrate Satoshi vision as tech savvy South Korea held
科技前沿地韩国周一首次举办比特币SV(BSV)聚会,180多名比特币学会成员齐聚首尔颂扬中本聪愿景。 点击此处阅读全文
The CoinGeek Seoul conference kicked off Tuesday with plenty of energy—the energy in the Bitcoin SV (BSV) ecosystem. Click here
周二,CoinGeek首尔会议在万众期待中拉开帷幕,比特币SV(BSV)生态系统的能量喷薄而出。 点击此处阅读全文