Bitboss.io创始人兼首席架构师乔希·罗宾逊(Josh Robinson)讲解了使用KeyRing的好处,其作为javascript库,可以用来为比特币SV区块链轻松构建钱包。它还将允许开发人员更快地开发分布式应用程序。 点击此处阅读全文
In his speech at the CoinGeek Conference in Seoul, Dr. Craig Wright, also known by his Satoshi Nakamoto monicker, shared
克雷格·怀特博士(Dr. Craig Wright),别名为大家熟知的中本聪,在首尔举行的CoinGeek会议演说中,分享了比特币SV领域的新发展。 点击此处阅读全文
Dr. Craig Wright was very positive after CoinGeek Seoul, encouraging developers to go make something out of his vision. Click
克雷格·怀特博士(Dr. Craig Wright)在CoinGeek首尔会议后积极活动,鼓励开发人员敢想敢干,实现他的愿景。 点击此处阅读全文
Jimmy Nguyen helps Stephanie Tower recap everything that happened at CoinGeek Seoul. Click here to read the full article.