In his inspiring opening speech for CoinGeek Seoul Conference, Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen challenged the attendees to build
在CoinGeek首尔会议上,比特币协会创始会长吉米·阮(Jimmy Nguyen)通过鼓舞人心的开幕词,向与会者发出了挑战,即利用比特币SV优势来构建创新项目。 点击此处阅读全文
At the recently held CoinGeek Seoul Conference, Dr. Craig Wright talked about a world where people, as peers, should work
在最近举行的CoinGeek首尔会议上,克雷格·怀特博士(DR. CRAIG WRIGHT)憧憬了这样一个世界:人们不分彼此,携手开发有助于保持社会诚信的应用。 点击此处阅读全文
随着这段题目贴切的“聪之旧约:第二篇”对话的深入,中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)背后那位男神透露出更加感性的一面。 点击此处阅读全文
CoinGeek Seoul Conference Day 2 looked at Bitcoin SV’s actual use cases for the real world—from real estate, tech, gaming