While there’s already plenty of talk of blockchain at gaming conferences like SiGMA, it often centres around cryptos that lack
Founder and CEO Ho Tsiming explains how the auction mechanism works in RateSV, allowing users to become mini-entrepreneurs or even
RateSV创始人兼首席执行官和志明(Ho Tsiming)解释竞标如何在RateSV中运作,使得用户成为企业家或甚至是成为全面的商业大亨。
In this panel at the CoinGeek Seoul Conferenece, venture capital fund heads and business owners share their advice for developers
Landmark Asia Holdings President Sam Chi believes the use of blockchain technology—Bitcoin SV (BSV) in particular—could be a benefit to
兰德马克亚洲公司总裁山姆·池(Sam Chi)认为,使用区块链技术——尤其是比特币SV(BSV)——可能会给整个娱乐界带来好处。 点击此处阅读全文