In his presentation, FAIA Corp Head of Technology Brendan Lee explained what hierarchically deterministic key pairs would mean in the
FAIA公司的技术主管布兰登·李在他的演讲中解释了分层确定性密钥对在比特币SV区块链的密钥链管理中意味着什么。 点击此处阅读全文
With its fast-paced and tech-savvy atmosphere, it was only fitting for the Bitcoin Association to hold the inaugural mini-conference in
在一片快节奏和精通技术的氛围中,比特币协会在中国成功举行了其首届小型会议,将繁忙的2019完美收官。 点击此处阅读全文
John Lee has seen it all and believes that blockchain technology is revolutionizing the e-sports industry, from fundraising to powering
Sergei Sergienko explains how Chrono Bank is using blockchain to tokenize time and ensure seamless relationships between recruiters, employers and