UNISOT创始人和比特币SV供应链业务所有者史蒂芬·尼尔森(Stephan Nilsson)解释了在区块链上追踪其产品的好处。
Xiaohui Liu gives an update on the progress being made with smart contract development to CoinGeek’s Hannah Jackson. Click here
刘晓晖向CoinGeek 的汉娜·杰克逊(Hannah Jackson)介绍了智能合约开发的最新进展。 点击此处阅读全文
Several individuals from the digital currency and global finance industries talk about international finance at CoinGeek London. Click here to
几位数字货币和全球金融界精英在伦敦CoinGeek会议上谈论国际金融。 点击此处阅读全文
Charles Miller is joined by CoinGeek’s new producer Natalie Mason, to find out how Ryan X. Charles, founder and CEO