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Vol 1040.57m


The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 28: Tim Berners-Lee wants to reinvent Web, ECB calls for BTC regulation, earn Bitcoin with Haste
22 January, 2021

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 28: Tim Berners-Lee wants to reinvent Web, ECB calls for BTC regulation, earn Bitcoin with Haste

This week, we look into the internet’s iconic personalities, the unending regulatory saga of BTC, and a new Bitcoin-powered mobile

Craig Wright: Lockdown, Shakespeare and how Bitcoin could have been part of Microsoft
21 January, 2021

Craig Wright: Lockdown, Shakespeare and how Bitcoin could have been part of Microsoft

Dr. Craig Wright chats with Charles Miller about the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, William Shakespeare, and the early days of Bitcoin.

Craig Wright:关于莎士比亚的话题以及比特币如何成为微软的一部分
21 January, 2021

Craig Wright:关于莎士比亚的话题以及比特币如何成为微软的一部分

Craig Wright:博士与Charles Miller谈论了威廉·莎士比亚以及比特币的早期。 点击此处阅读全文。

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 27: Bitcoin Birthday, Middle East digital payments boom, The Bitcoin Bridge
15 January, 2021

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 27: Bitcoin Birthday, Middle East digital payments boom, The Bitcoin Bridge

As the world pays attention and some celebrate Bitcoin, this week we look back at the very beginning of the

CoinGeek Pulse 27集:比特币生日、中东数字支付繁荣发展、The Bitcoin Bridge节目
15 January, 2021

CoinGeek Pulse 27集:比特币生日、中东数字支付繁荣发展、The Bitcoin Bridge节目

随着世界关注比特币,人们庆祝比特币的诞生,本周我们回顾了这项21世纪初最具颠覆性的技术。 点击此处阅读全文。

David Gerard: The birth pangs of Facebook’s crypto project
14 January, 2021

David Gerard: The birth pangs of Facebook’s crypto project

A staunch critic of Silicon Valley, writer and journalist David Gerard offers a stinging critique of Facebook’s cryptocurrency project. Click
