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CoinGeek Pulse34期:内华达建设区块链城市,比特币挖矿项目遭到关闭,2048游戏重现BSV平台
5 March, 2021

CoinGeek Pulse34期:内华达建设区块链城市,比特币挖矿项目遭到关闭,2048游戏重现BSV平台

本周,在CoinGeek Pulse节目中,我们将前往美国内华达州,该州州长公布了一项关于创建区块链城市的提案细节。 点击此处阅读全文

From fish to diamonds: How blockchain can improve supply chains
4 March, 2021

From fish to diamonds: How blockchain can improve supply chains

Stephan Nilsson of UNISOT and Sukhi Jutla of MarketOrders discuss how blockchain can be used to establish faster and cost-effective

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream to feature special edition for gaming industry
2 March, 2021

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream to feature special edition for gaming industry

News and interviews surrounding the intersection of the gaming industry and Bitcoin will find a new home at and

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream Episode 3: The eve before Soon™
26 February, 2021

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream Episode 3: The eve before Soon™

In this episode, Kurt Wuckert Jr. and Joshua Henslee answer several audience questions and explore many of the current areas

26 February, 2021


在本集中,Kurt Wuckert Jr和Joshua Henslee回答了几个观众提出的问题,并且带领观众探讨了比特币生态系统中许多人们比较感兴趣的领域。 点击此处阅读全文。

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 33: Bill Gates on BTC, MoneyGram and Ripple falls out, fan tokens arrive in Poland
26 February, 2021

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 33: Bill Gates on BTC, MoneyGram and Ripple falls out, fan tokens arrive in Poland

This week, CoinGeek Pulse features Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ interview with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang, where he was quoted saying “he
