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Bitcoin’s Got Talent crew talks Bitcoin culture and development on CoinGeek Weekly Livestream episode 8
2 April, 2021

Bitcoin’s Got Talent crew talks Bitcoin culture and development on CoinGeek Weekly Livestream episode 8

On episode 8 of the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, host Kurt Wuckert Jr. is joined by Bitcoin’s Got Talent main judges—Isaac

2 April, 2021


在《CoinGeek每周直播》第八期中,主持人Kurt Wuckert Jr加入了《比特币达人秀》节目的评委阵容。 点击此处阅读全文。

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 38: NY blockchain vaccine passport, Bitcoin SV at Ritossa Summit in Dubai, Abendum joins Norway regulatory sandbox
2 April, 2021

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 38: NY blockchain vaccine passport, Bitcoin SV at Ritossa Summit in Dubai, Abendum joins Norway regulatory sandbox

New York is making waves after Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of the blockchain-based vaccine passport in a bid

CoinGeek Pulse第38集:纽约区块链疫苗通行证,比特币SV出现在迪拜的Ritossa峰会,Abendum加入挪威监管沙盒
2 April, 2021

CoinGeek Pulse第38集:纽约区块链疫苗通行证,比特币SV出现在迪拜的Ritossa峰会,Abendum加入挪威监管沙盒

纽约州州长Andrew Cuomo宣布推出基于区块链的疫苗通行证,以期重新开放该州的商业和娱乐场所,这一消息引起了轩然大波。 点击此处阅读全文

TDXP dances its way to the Asia-Pacific region
1 April, 2021

TDXP dances its way to the Asia-Pacific region

Charles Miller finds out what makes TDXP different in this week’s CoinGeek Conversations with TDXP CEO Armen Azatyan and marketing

1 April, 2021


在本周有TDXP的首席执行官Armen Azatyan以及其营销经理Nick Numas加盟的《CoinGeek对话》中,Charles Miller发现了到底是什么使得TDXP与众不同。 点击此处阅读全文
