Elon Moist, better known as Twetch co-founder and CEO Josh Petty, was the guest on Kurt Wuckert Jr.’s special CoinGeek
4月1日,Elon Moist,他更广为人知的名字是Josh Petty(Twetch的联合创始兼首席执行官),他是由Kurt Wuckert Jr.主持的CoinGeek特别直播节目的嘉宾。 点击此处阅读全文
On episode 8 of the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, host Kurt Wuckert Jr. is joined by Bitcoin’s Got Talent main judges—Isaac
在《CoinGeek每周直播》第八期中,主持人Kurt Wuckert Jr加入了《比特币达人秀》节目的评委阵容。 点击此处阅读全文。
New York is making waves after Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of the blockchain-based vaccine passport in a bid
纽约州州长Andrew Cuomo宣布推出基于区块链的疫苗通行证,以期重新开放该州的商业和娱乐场所,这一消息引起了轩然大波。 点击此处阅读全文