法律金融科技专家兼区块链专家Tina Balzli加入了CoinGeek Backstage节目,谈论了区块链、数字货币以及监管之间的交集问题。 点击此处阅读全文
The group of female influencers have banded together to make an impact in the digital currency space, with a goal
该团体由一群具有影响力的女性构成,她们联合起来在数字货币领域产生了影响。她们的目标是传播BSV相关信息,并在一个传统上由男性主导的行业中为女性开辟一席之地。 点击此处阅读全文
Dr. Daniel Diemers, the co-founder of SNGLR Group, talked to CoinGeek Backstage about the intersection of the two and what’s
SNGLR Group的联合创始人Daniel Diemers博士在接受CoinGeek Backstage的采访时谈到了两者的交集以及银行业的未来。 点击此处阅读全文
Bitcoin SV and gambling are a perfect match, and during CoinGeek Zurich, a number of panels delved into how the