Pillars of the original Bitcoin whitepaper and the various ways that both consumers and enterprises are using the BSV blockchain
中本聪《比特币白皮书》的核心以及消费者和企业使用BSV企业级区块链的各种方式是CoinGeek大会第一天的主要讨论话题。 点击此处阅读全文
CoinGeek New York Day 2 will see George Gilder, Lorien Gamaroff, Alex Agut, Daniel Lipshitz, Nasdaq’s Jill Malandrino, and more
CoinGeek纽约大会的第二天您将会看到George Gilder、Lorien Gamaroff、Alex Agut、Daniel Lipshitz、Nasdaq’s Jill Malandrino等更多的人登台亮相。 点击此处阅读全文
Managing Partner Derek Stinson talks about the CoinGeek Conference, what ONTIER is currently paying attention to, and shares some development
Even though New York is one of the hardest places in the world to stage an event, hundreds of people