29 October, 2021
“我们正在建立一个可证实诚实的交易平台”:TDXP的Armen Azatyan做客了《不仅仅是货币》节目
在最新一期的《不仅仅是货币》栏目中,TDXP的Armen Azatyan分享了他为什么认为BSV受到了交易所联盟的排挤,他对Craig Wright博士的信任是如何将他带到了BSV领域,以及他为什么不喜欢与去中心化金融联系在一起等等的内容。 点击此处阅读全文
28 October, 2021
Stuart Haber and Scott Stornetta: How our timestamping mechanism was used in Bitcoin
On this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber talk about how they turned their theory into working code
22 October, 2021
Satoshi poker chip and Craig Wright’s gaming origins: CoinGeek TV pops champagne to wrap up New York conference
Unbounded Capital’s Zach Resnick and Dr. Craig Wright join CoinGeek’s Kurt Wuckert Jr. for some blockchain and gaming insider information
22 October, 2021
CoinGeek Weekly Livestream with VXPASS Zach Weiner: Giving people control of their data
Zach Weiner joined Kurt Wuckert Jr. to talk about how he got started with developing and blockchain, his vision for
22 October, 2021
VXPASS的Zach Weiner参与CoinGeek每周直播:让人们控制自己的数据
Zach Weiner与Kurt Wuckert Jr.一起讨论了他是如何开始发展事业并涉足区块链的,他对VXPASS的愿景,将政治与数据分离等话题。 点击此处阅读全文
21 October, 2021
Jeff Baek: Spreading BSV across the internet
On this week’s CoinGeek Conversations, Jeffrey Baek talks about PeeerSend, which offers what appears to be an almost magical integration
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24 Jan 2025
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