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Kleiman诉Wright案第二日回顾:Andreas Antonopoulos承认没有进行过BTC挖矿,Patrick Paige与Gavin Andresen出庭作证
3 November, 2021

Kleiman诉Wright案第二日回顾:Andreas Antonopoulos承认没有进行过BTC挖矿,Patrick Paige与Gavin Andresen出庭作证

在Kleiman诉Wright案开庭第二天,当Dave Kleiman的前同事Patrick Paige作证时,他提出了人们从未见过的证据——有趣的是,在开庭的第二天,Ira Kleiman没有出现在法庭上。 点击此处阅读全文

Kleiman v Wright: The week ahead
2 November, 2021

Kleiman v Wright: The week ahead

The first week of the Kleiman v Wright trial is here, the jurors are locked in, and now plaintiff Ira

Christian Solomine on ‘Hashing It Out’ Episode 14: Disrupting cashless gaming with the BitBoss stablecoin
1 November, 2021

Christian Solomine on ‘Hashing It Out’ Episode 14: Disrupting cashless gaming with the BitBoss stablecoin

Millennials and “Gen Z” are looking for a “Venmo-like” experience and operators who wish to target this age bracket can

People died for Bitcoin: A white paper story
31 October, 2021

People died for Bitcoin: A white paper story

On the 13th anniversary of the Bitcoin whitepaper, there is a more solemn history to recall and recount. Stories that

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: Kleiman v Wright ‘trial of the century’ AMA
29 October, 2021

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: Kleiman v Wright ‘trial of the century’ AMA

On this ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode of the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream, Bitcoin Historian Kurt Wuckert Jr. touches on a multitude

‘We are building a provably honest trading platform’: TDXP’s Armen Azatyan joins More Than Money
29 October, 2021

‘We are building a provably honest trading platform’: TDXP’s Armen Azatyan joins More Than Money

On the latest More Than Money episode, TDXP’s Armen Azatyan shares why he believes BSV is blackballed by the exchange
