Kleiman诉Wright案审判的第五天聚焦在一个问题:Craig Wright博士过去是什么样的人,现在又是什么样的人?但在此之前,辩护律师Andres Rivero完成了对Ira Kleiman的盘问。 点击此处阅读全文。
The biggest trial in the history of digital assets and one of the most significant legal cases in the history
On Day 4 of the Kleiman v Wright trial, defense counsel Andres Rivero picked up where he left off from
在Kleiman诉Wright案庭审的第四天,辩护律师Andres Rivero继续前一天的工作,继续对Ira Kleiman进行交叉询问。 点击此处阅读全文
Dr. Craig Wright joins Patrick Thompson on CoinGeek Backstage to talk about the BSV blockchain, how to resolve the problem
In this episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Dave reflects on the recent CoinGeek Conference in New York City, noting that the