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Kleiman v Wright verdict Coming SoonTM: Satoshi Trial in Florida Day 15 recap
24 November, 2021

Kleiman v Wright verdict Coming SoonTM: Satoshi Trial in Florida Day 15 recap

The Florida courtroom reached full capacity as spectators, media representatives, lawyers, and interns eagerly watched both legal counsels deliver their

CoinGeek Backstage with Joe Thomas: What’s next for 4th Bitcoin SV Hackathon winner Bitcoin Phone?
23 November, 2021

CoinGeek Backstage with Joe Thomas: What’s next for 4th Bitcoin SV Hackathon winner Bitcoin Phone?

Joe Thomas, winner of the 4th Bitcoin SV Hackathon, caught up with Stephanie Tower on CoinGeek Backstage to talk about

CoinGeek Backstage采访了Joe Thomas:第四届比特币SV黑客松的获奖作品——比特币电话的后续计划是什么?
23 November, 2021

CoinGeek Backstage采访了Joe Thomas:第四届比特币SV黑客松的获奖作品——比特币电话的后续计划是什么?

第四届比特币SV黑客松获奖者Joe Thomas接受了CoinGeek Backstage的主持人Stephanie Tower的采访,讨论了他的获奖项目——比特币电话。 点击此处阅读全文

Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十四日回顾:Craig Wright再次出庭作证
23 November, 2021

Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十四日回顾:Craig Wright再次出庭作证

Craig Wright博士在Kleiman诉Wright案的庭审过程中第二次走上证人席,被告方团队传唤他作为最后一名证人。 点击此处阅读全文。

Proof of ESG: The Bitcoin Bridge talks ‘greenwashing,’ corporate ethics, and BSV with Bryan Daugherty
22 November, 2021

Proof of ESG: The Bitcoin Bridge talks ‘greenwashing,’ corporate ethics, and BSV with Bryan Daugherty

Corporate accountability is the name of the game in this week’s episode of The Bitcoin Bridge, and rallying behind this

Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十三天回顾:Craig Wright将重返证人席的传言不胫而走
20 November, 2021

Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十三天回顾:Craig Wright将重返证人席的传言不胫而走

周五是Kleiman诉Wright案庭审的短暂一天,只有两名证人出庭作证:David Kuharcik和Ami Klin博士。 点击此处阅读全文
