Shashank Singhal joined CoinGeek Backstage and shared his journey from winning the 2nd Bitcoin SV Hackathon in Seoul to Codugh’s
Shashank Singhal做客CoinGeek Backstage节目并分享了自己从在首尔赢得第二届比特币SV黑客松到Codugh最新进展以来的一路历程。 点击此处阅读全文。
The jury is still deliberating on a verdict for the Kleiman v Wright trial, and their decision could change both
Kleiman诉Wright案中的陪审团仍在进行审议裁决,他们的决定可能会改变比特币的未来以及人们对其过去的看法。 点击此处阅读全文
在这集的CoinGeek Backstage中,Marcel Gruber谈论了他作为第四届比特币SV黑客松第三名决赛入围者的经历。 点击此处阅读全文。
In this episode of CoinGeek Backstage, Marcel Gruber talks about his experiences as the third finalist of the 4th Bitcoin