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Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十三天回顾:Craig Wright将重返证人席的传言不胫而走
20 November, 2021

Kleiman诉Wright案庭审第十三天回顾:Craig Wright将重返证人席的传言不胫而走

周五是Kleiman诉Wright案庭审的短暂一天,只有两名证人出庭作证:David Kuharcik和Ami Klin博士。 点击此处阅读全文

Kleiman v Wright Day 12 was all about Dave Kleiman, as told by his friends
19 November, 2021

Kleiman v Wright Day 12 was all about Dave Kleiman, as told by his friends

Day 12 of the Satoshi trial in Florida gave the court a further look into Dave Kleiman’s health and a

如其亲友所说,Kleiman诉Wright案的第12天围绕关于Dave Kleiman的话题展开
19 November, 2021

如其亲友所说,Kleiman诉Wright案的第12天围绕关于Dave Kleiman的话题展开

在佛罗里达州中本聪案的第12天,法庭进一步了解了Dave Kleiman的健康状况,并初步了解了在他最亲密的朋友眼中Dave Kleiman是什么样的人。 点击此处阅读全文

Steve Shadders在CoinGeek Backstage节目中确认Teranode将于2022年被推出
18 November, 2021

Steve Shadders在CoinGeek Backstage节目中确认Teranode将于2022年被推出

在CoinGeek纽约大会间隙,比特币SV节点基础设施团队技术总监Steve Shadders分享了目前对他来说最重要的事情——让Teranode进入公共网络。 点击此处阅读全文

Teranode to launch in 2022, Steve Shadders confirms on CoinGeek Backstage
18 November, 2021

Teranode to launch in 2022, Steve Shadders confirms on CoinGeek Backstage

On the sidelines of CoinGeek New York, Bitcoin SV Node Infrastructure Team Technical Director Steve Shadders shared the most important

Taylor Searle: Introducing gamers to Handcash
18 November, 2021

Taylor Searle: Introducing gamers to Handcash

On this episode of CoinGeek Conversations, Taylor explains how they will push gaming to the next level with the help
