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CoinGeek Backstage采访Kal Suurkask:TAAL是如何帮助企业处理区块链上的交易的
16 January, 2022

CoinGeek Backstage采访Kal Suurkask:TAAL是如何帮助企业处理区块链上的交易的

Suurkask做客CoinGeek Backstage,在采访中他讨论了更多关于STAS代币协议、TAAL是如何利用BSV区块链的、以及他们在处理数百万笔交易的过程中所遇到的挑战等内容。 点击此处阅读全文。

Kal Suurkask on CoinGeek Backstage: How TAAL is helping businesses process transactions on the blockchain
16 January, 2022

Kal Suurkask on CoinGeek Backstage: How TAAL is helping businesses process transactions on the blockchain

Kal Suurkask caught up with CoinGeek Backstage to discuss their STAS token protocol, how TAAL uses the BSV blockchain, and

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 72: PayPal explores stablecoin, US tightens regulation, NFT boom continues
14 January, 2022

The CoinGeek Pulse Episode 72: PayPal explores stablecoin, US tightens regulation, NFT boom continues

The NFT music platform for independent artists Jamify launched this week; Founder Frames Jenco explained his motivation for building this

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: Rumored fork on BSV, BIP42 and Elon Musk’s Bitcoin and Satoshi theories
14 January, 2022

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: Rumored fork on BSV, BIP42 and Elon Musk’s Bitcoin and Satoshi theories

Kurt Wuckert Jr. welcomes a new season of the CoinGeek Weekly Livestream with a wide range of topics, including the

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: A special edition from the CES Day 3 in Las Vegas
13 January, 2022

CoinGeek Weekly Livestream: A special edition from the CES Day 3 in Las Vegas

Kurt Wuckert Jr. continued with this coverage of the CES live from the event on Day 3, with guests including

CoinGeek Backstage采访nChain的Dominic Duffy:用Kensei来衡量数据完整性
12 January, 2022

CoinGeek Backstage采访nChain的Dominic Duffy:用Kensei来衡量数据完整性

Dominic Duffy接受了CoinGeek Backstage的采访,在采访中讨论了nChain的Kensei平台的情况、他们是如何衡量数据完整性的,以及他们公司针对nChain的下一步计划等内容。 点击此处阅读全文。
